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Designing effective environmental regimes : The key conditions

Wettestad Jorgen

Designing effective environmental regimes : The key conditions - London Edward Elgar 1999 - 261p vii

1. Introduction;
2. Analysing the Effectiveness and Institutional Design of International Environmental Regimes: The Conceptual Lenses
3. Increasing Concern and Improving Design: The Oslo and Paris Conventions on Marine Pollution in the North-East Atlantic
4. More ‘Discursive Diplomacy’ than ‘Dashing Design’? The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP)
5. A Triumph for Institutional Incentives and Flexible Design? The Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on Ozone Layer Depletion
6. Combining Comparative and Case Study Evidence: Institutional Findings
7. Designing an Effective Climate Change Regime: A Task ‘Too Hot to Handle’?
8. Designing Effective Environmental Regimes: Launching the Three Conditional Ps (Problems, Phases, and Processes) ;


1. International Environmental Law2. Economic Development - Environmental Aspects

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