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Comparative political science Vol. IV Political choice and behavior : from voting to violence.

Zuckerman Alan S

Comparative political science Vol. IV Political choice and behavior : from voting to violence. - London Sage Publications 2008 - 507p xvii

Volume 4: Political Choice and Behavior: Voting, political participation, contentious, and revolutionary behavior
Of Time and Partisan Stability;
Corruption, Machine Politics, and Political Change Philip E. Converse;
Political Clientelism and Ethnicity in Tropical Africa James C. Scott;
The Selfish Voter Paradox and the Thrown-Away Vote Argument René Lemarchand;
The Two-Party System and Duverger's Law: An essay on the history of political science Paul E. Meehl;
Testing the converse partisanship model with new electorates William H. Riker;
The Political Bases of Citizen Contacting: A crossnational analysis Richard G. Niemi, G. Bingham Powell Jr., Harold W. Stanley and C. Lawrence Evans;
American Voting Turnout in Comparative Perspective Alan S. Zuckerman and Darrell West;
Political Institutions and Voter Turnout in the Industrial Democracies G. Bingham Powell Jr.;
Rethinking Rationality and Rebellion: Theories of collective action and problems of collective dissent Robert W. Jackman;
Political Leadership and Representation in West European Democracies: A test of three models of voting
Mark Irving Lichbach;
The 5% Percent Rule Torben Iversen;
Explaining Interethnic Cooperation Mark Irving Lichbach;
Politics and Society: Political diversity and uniformity in households as a theoretical puzzle James Fearon and David Laitin;
Wanton and Senseless? The Logic of Massacres in Algeria Alan S. Zuckerman and Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz;
Ethnic Conflict and Civil Society: India and beyond Stathis Kalyvas;
Violence and the Social Construction of Ethnic Identity Ashutosh Varshney


1. Political Science - Cross-Cultural Studies2. Comparative Government

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