Rist Gilbert

The History of Development : From western origins to global faith - 3rd - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2008 - 288p x

Preface to the Third Edition;
1. Definitions of Development;
2. Metamorphoses of a Western Myth;
3. The Making of a World System;
4. The Invention of Development;
5. The International Doctrine and Institutions Take Root;
6. Modernization Poised between History and Prophecy;
7. The Periphery and the Understanding of History;
8. Self-Reliance: The Communal Past as a Model for the Future;
9. The Triumph of Third Worldism;
10. The Environment, or the New Nature of 'Development';
11. A Mixture of Realism and Fine Sentiments;
12. The Postmodern Illusion: Globalization as a Simulacrum of 'Development';
13. The Fight against Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals;
14. Post-Development: Decroissance and the Changing Economic Paradigm


1. Economic Development - History2. Economic Assistance - History3. Sustainable Development - History

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