Mohanty B B

Critical Perspectives on Agrarian Transition India in the Global Debate. - New Delhi Routledge 2016 - 300p xxvii

Table of contents;
List of Contributors;
List of abbreviations;
List of tables & Figures;
Preface and Acknowledgements;
Agrarian transition: from classic to current debates;
Part 1 Agrarian Transition: Theoretical Discourse ;
1. Back to the future Marx, modes of production and the agrarian question ;
2. Revisiting agrarian transition: reflections on long histories and current realities ;
3. Contours of the agrarian question: Towards political question of 'the peasantry' in contemporary India;
Part 2 Global Capitalism, Neoliberalism and Changing Agriculture;
4. Capitalist trajectories of global interdependence and welfare outcomes: the lessons of history for the present;
5. Declining credibility of the neo-liberal state and agrarian crisis in India;
6. Neo-liberal reforms, agrarian capitalism and the peasantry;
Part 3 Agrarian Transition: Regional Responses;
7. Changing gender relations among Gounders in western Tamil Nadu villages;
8. Agro-ecological double movements? Zero budget national farming and alternative agriculture after the neoliberal crisis in Kerala;
9. Stressed commerce and accumulation process: a study of agrarian transition in West Bengal;
10. Punjab's Small Peasantry: Thriving or Deteriorating?;


1. Agriculture - Economic Aspects - India2. Agriculture & State - Capitalism - Economic Development3. Land Reform - Land Tenure

338.109540 / MOH